
Shino Yanai is an interdisciplinbary artist based in London. Her performance-based artworks utilise field-recordings to explore hidden traces of history and trauma. Prior to her journey into contemporary art, Yanai trained as a classical pianist. She is currently a practice-led doctoral researcher at UCL, Slade School of Fine Art. Her research explores how art can release trauma, focusing on the historical context of Korean diaspora related to her family background. Her works seek to reanimate the past through memories, bringing the viewers into a new relationship with historical events. 

Awards and Grants

2023 Malcolm Hughes Research Bursary and the Jean Spencer Memorial Bursary: Slade School of Fine Art, UCL
2022 Grant from the Nomura Foundation: Doctoral Research in Slade School of Fine Art, UCL
2022 Malcolm Hughes Research Bursary and the Jean Spencer Memorial Bursary: Slade School of Fine Art, UCL
2021 Ogasawara Toshiaki Memorial Foundation: Exhibition and performance ‘Well Temperament’ as part of the project ‘Praying for Tokyo’ in Tokyo Biennale. 2020/2021
2020 Malcolm Hughes Research Bursary and the Jean Spencer Memorial Bursary: Slade School of Fine Art, UCL
2019 Grant from the Nomura Foundation: Doctoral Research in Slade School of Fine Art, UCL
2017–18 Fellowship of Overseas Study Programme for Upcoming Artists, Agency for Cultural Affairs (Bunka-cho), Government of Japan 
2016 Grant from the Nomura Foundation: Walter Benjamin Portbou Project
2014–15 Fellowship of Grant for Young Artists from the POLA Art Foundation (hosted by Tomoko Yoneda)

2018 Photography Prize (Degree Show 2018, Royal College of Art)
2017 International Public Art Short Film Contest nominated, “Art Public – Now you see me” 
2012 Yuka Uematsu Prize (Curator, The National Museum of Art, Osaka), Art Award Tokyo Marunouchi 2012 

Talks, Conferences and Workshops

2024 TOKAS OPEN SITE 8 ‘I Hear Your Breath’:
Artist Talk / Guest: MASUDA Tomohiro (Curator, The National Museum of Modern Art, Tokyo) TSUCHIYA Seiichi (Art critic / Associate Professor, Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts)SHIMIZU Tomoko (Associate Professor, Graduate School of Global Arts, Tokyo University of the Arts)

2023 Practice-led Symposium: Dreams and Guilt. Exhibiting Counter-Memories’, Beaconsfield (London)
2021 Symposium, Roundtable Discussion 'Tokyo Biennale 2020 – Live Relations vol.01' Symposium, Roundtable Discussion Organised by Tokyo Biennale 2020/2021 
2021 Online talk event, related to Japan Foundation’s online exhibition ‘11 Stories on Distanced Relationships – Contemporary Art’, Speakers: Stuart Tulloch, Rika Noguchi, Hiraki Sawa, Shino Yanai
2019 Conference, Presentaion in ‘Okinawan Art in its Regional Context’, University of East Anglia (Norwich)
2019 artist talk ‘Nationalism and Death’: conversation with Dr. Yoshitaka Mouri (Sociologist, Professor at Tokyo University of the Arts), Kazuko Koike (President of Sagacho Exhibit Space); Sagacho Archives (Tokyo)
2018 ‘Art, Politics and Censorship in Japan and beyond’; Sainsbury institute for the study of Japanese Arts and Cultures (Norwich)
2018 Artist Talk, Camberwell College of Art and Design (London)
2016 Artist talk in ‘Crisis youth get creative: ‘Young Generations in Japan and Europe: Crisis, Mobility and Creativity’ workshop’; Sainsbury institute for the study of Japanese Arts and Cultures (Norwich)
2016 Artist Talk ‘Blue Passages’: conversation with Dr Jonathan Whitewall, Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation (London)
2014 ‘Madness Plays as Metaphor’: conversation related to solo exhibition ‘Utsushi-mi – Ghost Self’, with Seiichi Tsuchiya (Art Critic, Professor at Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts), Dr. Yoshitaka Mouri (Sociologist, Professor at Tokyo University of the Arts); monshirop – Facility of Tokyo University of the Arts (Tokyo)
2014 ‘Art and Nation’, guest lecture hosted by Professor Seiichi Tsuchiya; Okinawa Prefectural University of Arts (Okinawa)


2016 El Punt Avui ‘The Blue Passages’ by Pilar Parcerisas
2012 ART iT ‘End of war in the decade of the 2010s’ by Adrian Favell


2019- current Practice-led PhD Slade School of Fine Art, University College London
2016–18 MA (Distinction) Photography, Royal College of Art
2010–12 MA Inter Media Art, Tokyo National University of the Arts
2004–10 MA / BA Japanese Painting, Tama Art University
1998–2002 BA Music, Instrumental music, Piano major, Kobe College

Selected Exhibitions and Peformances

2024 TOKAS OPEN SITE 8 ‘I Hear Your Breath’ a performance by Shino Yanai, Tokyo Arts and Space (Tokyo)
2023 A performance by Shino Yanai and Syo Yoshihama, OTOOTO, Tokyo
2022 Solo Exhibition and Performance ‘I Hear Your Breath in 4/4’ Yamamoto Keiko Rochaix (London)
2021 Solo site-specific installation work ‘Well Temperament’ for the Tokyo Biennale 2020/2021 ‘Praying for Tokyo’ curated by Kazuko Koike, artists; Rei Naito, Aiko Miyanaga, Shino Yanai, at Yushima Seido (The Mausoleum of Confucius at Yushima) (Tokyo)
2021 A performance by Shino Yanai and Ken Ikeda at Yushima Seido, Tokyo, as part of Shino Yanai’s exhibition ‘Well Temperament’ for the Tokyo Biennale 2020/2021 'Praying for Tokyo'
2021 Online exhibition “11 Stories on Distanced Relationships: Contemporary Art  from Japan" Japan Foundation
2021 “Flowers of Romance” White Conduit Projects (London)
2020 Commissioned  solo exhibition ‘Unwanted Sound’ curated by Haruka Iharada, part of the project ‘Art in Covid-19’, Goethe-Institut Tokyo 
2020 “de-sport: The Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Sports through Art” 21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa (Kanazawa, Japan), artists; Allora&Calzadilla, The Eugenne Studio, Charles Freger, Liam Gillick, Christian Jankowski, Gabriel Orozco, Erwin Wurm, Xijing Men, Shino Yanai
2020 “Cherry Blossom Party” eitoeiko (Tokyo)
2020 Commissioned group exhibition ‘Exposing the Bushes’ curated by Haruka Iharada, artists; Kaori  Endo, Kaya Hanasaki, Shino Yanai, Tokyo Arts and Space (Tokyo)
2019 ‘erroribus humanis et antinomy’: screening of “Blue Passages” “The Deep End”, talk with Tetuzi Akiyama and Chihei Hatakeyama; OTOOTO (Tokyo)
2019 “Perspectives (2)” Intermediateque, The University Museum, the University of Tokyo (Tokyo)
2019 Commissioned group exhibition ‘Creation and Technique’ Pola Museum Annex (Toyko)
2019 “3331 Art Fair 2019”: selected by Dr. Yoshitaka Mouri (Sociologist, Professor at Tokyo University of the Arts); 3331 Arts Chiyoda - Main Gallery (Toyko)
2019 Commissioned solo exhibition “The Deep End” Sagacho Archives (Tokyo)
2018 “TBCTV”: screening of "Happy and Glorious", Somerset House - Lancaster Room (London) 
2018 “The Sky has No Surface” 10a Bridge Street Car park (Berwick-Upon-Tweed)
2018 Screening ‘Happy and Glorious’ in ‘Phantom Limb: AMZ, k28, Ila Brugal, Flemish Bond, Fourth Floor Room + video screenings’ curated by Kathy Cho and Katie Yook, Corsica Studio (London) 
2018 Group exhibition ‘A Point of No Return | Anthropocene Entity’ White Conduit Projects (London)
2017 Mediarc International Festival of Architecture “Proiezioni sezione Festival Internazionale NowYouSeeMe! Parigi 2017' Le Murate Progetti Arte Contemporanea (Florence)
2017 Performance 'Happening and Surveillance; Cut Piece': collaboration  with Mikito Tateisi; Photography Project Space, Royal College of Art (London)
2017 Offprint London, Art Publishing Fair Turbine Hall, Tate Modern (London)
2017 International Public Art Short Film Contest nominated, Journées internationales du film sur l'art, 10e édition; “Art Public – Now you see me” Louvre museum - Auditrium (Paris)
2016 Commissioned solo exhibition “Blue Passages” White Conduit Projects (London)
2016 Commissioned performance “The Blue Passages” Passages - Hommage to Walter Benjamin (Portbou, Spain)
2014  Duo exhibition ‘Comedy and Menace: Birthday Party’: Andro Semeiko & Shino Yanai; White Conduit Projects (London)
2014 Group exhibition ‘Anti – War: Resistance against the Anticipated War’ SNOW Contemporary (Tokyo)
2014 Commissioned group exhibition ‘ego – Re-examining the Self –’ punto (Kyoto)
2014 “Utsushi-mi – Ghost Self”: performance and solo exhibition curated by Haruka Iharada, monsHirop; PARADISE STUDIO, Facility of Tokyo University of the Arts (Tokyo)
2013 Commissioned group exhibition ‘Brave New World – re-enchanting utopia’ artists; Christian Boltanski, Sachiko Kodama, teamLab, Shino Yanai; Aomori Museum of Art (Aomori)
2013 Commissioned group exhibition “WHAT WE SEE” artists; Eija-Liisa Ahtila, Cyprien Gaillard, Johan Grimonprez, Hiraki Sawa, Chia-En Jao, Sojung Jun, Pei-Shih Tu, Steve McQueen, Clemens von Wedemeyer, Shino Yanai; The National Museum of Art (Osaka)
2012 Group exhibition ‘End of war in the decade of the 2010s’ eitoeiko (Tokyo)
2012 ‘Art Award Tokyo Marunouchi 2012’ Marunouchi-building (Tokyo)
2012 Degree show ‘GEIDAI SENTAN 2012’ BankART Studio NYK (Yokohama)
2010 Group exhibition ‘TAMAVIVANⅡ 2010’ Daikanyama Sedona (Tokyo)/ Parthenon Tama (Tokyo)/ Tama Art University (Tokyo)
2009 ‘NIHONGA : New Traditions’ Dillon Gallery (New York)
2008 Exchaange programme ‘International Art&Design Critiques’ Tsinghua University (Beijing)


2024年 TOKAS OPENSITE 8 「I Hear Your B reth」トーキョーアツアンドスペース本郷、東京
2023年 パフォーマンス(出演:吉濱翔、Shino Yanai)音音、東京
2022年 個展、パフォーマンス「I Hear Your Breath in 4/4」Yamamoto Keiko Rochaix、ロンドン
2021年 東京ビエンナーレ2020/2021
「東京に祈る」(小池一子氏キュレーション)プロジェクト展示「Well Temperament 良律」、会期中8月5日展示会場でのパフォーマンス(池田謙氏とコラボレーション)、湯島聖堂、東京
2021年 国際交流基金オンライン展覧会「距離をめぐる11の物語:日本の現代美術」
2020年 「Arts in Covid19: Unwanted Sound」ゲーテインスティトゥート(東京ドイツ文化センター)、 東京
2020年 「de-sport: 芸術によるスポーツの解体と再構築」金沢21世紀美術館、金沢
2020年 「桜を見る会」eitoeiko、東京
2020年 「藪を暴く」TOKAS本郷、東京
2019年 スクリーニング、アーティストトーク「erroribus humanis et antinomy」(出演:秋山徹次、畠山地平、柳井信乃)音音、東京
2019年 「現代美術実験展示『パースペクティヴ⑵』インターメディアテク(東京大学総合研究博物館), 東京
2019年「ポーラ ミュージアム アネックス展2019–創生と技巧–」 ポーラ ミュージアム アネックス、東京
2019年 3331アートフェア、東京
2019年 個展「The Deep End」佐賀町アーカイヴ、東京
2018年 スクリーニング「TVCTV」Somerset House - Lancaster Room, London
2018年 「The Sky has No Surface」Bridge Street Car Park, Berwick-Upon-Tweed
2018年 スクリーニング「Phantom Limb」Corsica Studio、London
2018年 「A Point of No Return Anthropocene Entity」White Conduit Projects、London
2017年 スクリーニング「Mediarc international Festival of Architecture」Le Murate Progetti Arte Contemporanea、Florence
2017年 「International Public Art Short Film Contest Art Public - Now You See Me」オーディトリアム、ルーヴル美術館, Paris
2016年 個展「Blue Passages」White Conduit Projects, London
2016年 パフォーマンス「Blue Passages」Passages - Hommage to Walter Benjamin by Dani Karavan、Portbou
2014年 「Comedy and Menace」(Andro Semeiko, Shino Yanai)White Conduit Projects、London
2014年 「反戦展」SNOW Contemporary、東京
2014年 「egØ – 主体を問い直す-」punto、京都
2014年 個展「うつし身 ghost self」monshirop、松戸
2013年 青森EARTH 2013 「すばらしい新世界_再魔術化するユートピア」青森県立美術館、青森
2013年 「WHAT WE SEE」国立国際美術館、大阪
2012年 「10年代の終戦」eitoeiko、東京
2012年 「アートアワードトーキョー丸の内2012」丸の内行幸通り、東京
2012年 「TAMAVIVANⅡ」代官山セドナ / パルテノン多摩 / 多摩美術大学、東京


2024年 アーティストトーク、TOKAS OPEN SITE 8 「I Hear Your B reath」
 ゲスト:桝田倫広(東京国立近代美術館主任研究員) 土屋誠一(美術批評家、沖縄県立芸術大学准教授)清水知子(東京藝術大学大学院国際芸術創造研究科准教授)、トーキョーアツアンドスペース本郷、東京

2021年 国際交流基金アーティストオンライントーク「Art in Motion: Creatives who have transitioned to video artistry」
2019年 コンファレンス「Okinawan Art in its Regional Context」University of East Anglia、Norwich
2019年 トークイベント「ナショナリズムと死」(出演 :小池一子、毛利嘉孝、柳井信乃)佐賀町アーカイヴ、東京
2018年 ワークショップ「Art, Politics and Censorship in Japan and beyond」Sainsbury institute for the study of Japanese Arts and Cultures、Norwich
2018年 アーティストトーク、Camberwell College of Arts、UAL、BA Fine Art Photography、London 
2016年 アーティストトーク「Crisis youth get creative: Young Generations in Japan and Europe: Crisis、Mobility and Creativity」Sainsbury institute for the study of Japanese Arts and Cultures、Norwich
2016年 アーティストトーク「Blue Passages」(出演:Dr Jonathan Whitewall、柳井信乃) Daiwa Anglo-Japanese Foundation、London
2014年 トークイベント「隠喩としての狂女」(出演:土屋誠一、毛利嘉孝、柳井信乃)monshirop、松戸
2014年 ゲスト講義「アートと国家」沖縄県立芸術大学、沖縄


2023年 Malcolm Hughes and Jean Spencer Bursaries (ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン、スレード美術学校博士課程での研究)
2022年 Malcolm Hughes and Jean Spencer Bursaries (ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン、スレード美術学校博士課程での研究)
2022年 野村財団芸術文化助成(ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン、スレード美術学校博士課程での研究の継続)
2021年 小笠原敏晶記念財団助成(東京ビエンナーレ「東京に祈る-良律」プロジェクト))
2019年 Malcolm Hughes and Jean Spencer Bursaries (ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン、スレード美術学校博士課程での研究)
2019年 野村財団芸術文化助成(ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン、スレード美術学校博士課程での研究)
2018年 修了制作展学科賞(審査員:ゴールドスミス現代美術センター長サラ・マクローリー)
2017年 平成28年度文化庁新進芸術家海外研修員(イギリス)
2016年 野村財団芸術文化助成(Walter Benjamin Portbouプロジェクト)
2014年 平成26年度ポーラ美術振興財団在外研修員(イギリス)
2012年 アートアワードトーキョー丸の内2012 植松由佳賞


2019年 ユニバーシティ・カレッジ・ロンドン, スレード美術学校博士課程在籍
2018年 ロイヤルカレッジオブアート写真学科修士課程修了
2012年 東京藝術大学大学院美術研究科先端芸術表現専攻修士課程修了 
2010年 多摩美術大学大学院美術研究科絵画専攻修士課程修了
2002年 神戸女学院大学音楽学部音楽学科ピアノ専攻卒業

Tokyo Biennale 2020/2021 "Praying for Tokyo"

2021 summer, Tokyo

‘Praying for Tokyo’ curated by Kazuko Koike
“Together with three female artists – Rei Naito, Aiko Miyanaga, and Shino Yanai – the project will create “spaces of prayer”, providing requiems of the past from each Tokyo community, that are dedicated to our future.” from the exhibition website

Official website >>>

Interview, TOKYO BIENNALE note >>> https://note.com/tokyobiennale/n/nf8d6ab135574

de-sport: The Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Sports through Art

27 June - 27 September 2021
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa (Kanazawa, Japan)

artists; Allora&Calzadilla, The Eugenne Studio, Charles Freger, Liam Gillick, Christian Jankowski, Gabriel Orozco, Erwin Wurm, Xijing Men, Shino Yanai

Official website >>>  https://www.kanazawa21.jp/data_list.php?g=81&d=190

The Deep End

Solo Exhibition
8 February - 10 March 2020
Sagacho Archives (Tokyo)

Official website >>>

Happrning and Surveillance

Thu 9th November 2017
Collaborative Performance work
with Jukan Tateishi  (Mikito Tateishi)
Photography Project Space
Royal College of Art, Battersea  (London)


Screen Memories

Newspaper 350mm x 500mm 
32 pages 
Graphic design: Erica Choi (ericachoi.co.uk)

Blue Passages, The Deep End version

26 June 2020 - 27 September 2020
"de-sport: The Deconstruction and Reconstruction of Sports through Art"
21st Century Museum of Contemporary Art, Kanazawa (Kanazawa, Japan)

Photo: IINUMA Tamami

thanks to
Hochoul Lee

Pipilotti / Material Girl

11 January 2020 - 9 February 2020
"Exposing the Bushes"

cutated by Haruka Iharada
Tokyo Arts annd Space Hongo (Tokyo)

Photo: Tokyo Arts annd Space Hongo

Happy and Glorious

20 March 2019 - 14 April 2019
“Creation and Techmique”
Pola Museum Annex (Tokyo)

The Deep End 

8 February 2019 - 10 March 2019
Solo Exhibition
Sagacho Archives (Tokyo)

Photo: Keizo Kioku

thanks to
Yusuke Suga 

Happy and Glorious 

23 June 2018 - 1 July 2018
Graduate Exhibition 
Royal College of Art (London)

thanks to
Daigoro Sasaki

Richard Nicholson

Blue Passages

11 September 2016 - 15 October 2016
Solo exhibition “Blue Passages” White Conduit Projects (London)

Richard Nicholson

Ghost Self – Utsushi-mi

Solo exhibition “Ghost Self – Utsushi-mi”
Curated by Haruka Iharada

monshirop (Closed ‘Love Hotel’) - Facility of Tokyo University of the Arts, (Tokyo)

Lightning State

15 June 2013 - 1 September 2013
“Brave New World –– re-enchanting utopia”
Aomori Museum of Art (Aomori)

Utsutsu Nation

19 January 2013 - 24 March 2013
The National Museum of Art (Osaka)

Screen Memories

19 January 2013 - 24 March 2013
The National Museum of Art (Osaka)


BankART Studio NYK (Yokohama)